Moonlighting Definition

The work you do outside of your writing.


To pay the bills, I've worked as a Research Associate on projects that had not much personal meaning for me, taught huge classes (70-90) of undergraduates subjects they didn't care for, and written content for the websites of soul-less corporate companies…

Creative Nonfiction

Catherine Wang has worked at a Hollywood talent agency, a management consulting firm, a fish farm in Zambia, and an education non-profit in Thailand.


Elena Passarello tends to her exploding email inbox daily and wrestles with various office-forward documents (spreadsheets, Doodle Polls, video software) that she only pretends to understand. Luckily, the other half of her job involves…


Silvia Bonilla worked as a cashier, waitress, stage person for real state open house, early childhood education assistant teacher, and many more odd jobs she doesn’t care to mention because the pay was low. Collectively these jobs helped pay for the first two years of college.